Music Theory
Did you know that when one note moves to another one it creates an emotional effect? Why does some music sound happy and positive while other music can sound angry, or powerful? Intervals are a major player in the effect music has on us. Let’s explore this and see where we end up…
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Building on the foundations of level 1, we’ll take our knowledge of major scales further and discover new ways to look at them and use them!
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Ground zero for catchy melodies, cool chord progressions, bass lines, guitar riffs and more…Scales matter a whole lot! They are also brilliant technique builders for most instruments. Let’s begin.
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Building on from the previous rhythm lessons we can now go much deeper into rhythm and timing. Let’s go!
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This course is where we start our journey of rhythm, timing, note duration, feel and all the other good things that make music groove.
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There is so much more to music than notes on a page. We’ll explore some common directions and signs that make music easier to navigate.
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Before we really dive into the world of music theory, let’s get our bearings with some fundamental concepts.
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Notes, noise and letters…how does all this stuff work? Discover the highs and lows of pitch in this course.
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With the basics sorted out, we’ll increase the range of notes we can read and find out some more critical info needed to be a music master.
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