
We offer a 30 day money back guarantee.  

If you have purchased Musago and within 30 days decide it is not the right fit for you just let us know at info@musago.com.au and we’ll send your money back. 

We sure do!

Let’s chat. Email us at info@musago.com.au to get started. 


We offer a sample course which is a collection of lessons. By working through this course you’ll get a feel for the sign up process, and how the content is presented. 

Head back to the home page and scroll to the pricing and click the free sample course button to get started.

All paid subscriptions will be given access to new courses as they are added. There will not be an increased cost to you for this – just more content and value.

Yes. To upgrade or downgrade your license count:

  1. Go to the “Account” page.
  2. Click on “My Subscription”.
  3. Select the amount of licenses you would like from the license drop down menu. 
  4. Then click switch account. 

Students can only be added to the studio teacher and school / academy subscription plans.

If you have one of these accounts here is how you can invite and uninvited students to your plan.

  1. In your account menu click groups dashboard.
  2. Then click the group you wish to add a student to.
  3. Scroll down to the enrol new user button and from there you can enter the student details and send them an invite to Musago. 
  4. Then click Submit. 
  5. If you wish to remove a student simply click the remove button next to the enrolled students name. 

To view student reports you’ll need to have a studio teacher or school/academy subscription.

  1. Go to Groups dashboard.
  2. Select your group.
  3. Select the Report heading next to Enrolled Users
  4. From here you can select the student and course that you wish to view.
  5. Then click show report.
  6. You can expand the students details and click the list icon under statistics to see the student’s quiz results. 

If your lesson progress is not saving try logging out and logging back in.

It’s best practise to log out when not using Musago.

At this time we do not supply our content in any other languages.


While we can’t promise that all suggestions and requests can be actioned, we’re always willing to hear what we can do to improve Musago for you. Feel free to send us an email at info@musago.com.au and we’ll see what we can do.

When it comes to teaching theory, some like to use a whiteboard, others like to use video and some like to use both.

The advantage to Musago is each student can move at their own pace, while you as the teacher can see the reports of how each student is progressing. 

Writing and literacy is supported with the worksheets which is so important in the classroom environment. 

At the moment, we’re focusing on the more contemporary side of things. Practically, this means we want to provide the theory that matters most to someone playing guitar, piano, bass or drums and who might want to be part of a band. 

One of the huge advantages with Musago is the 4 approaches we use to work with you and your students. 

  1. Explain and introduce the content through animation.
  2. Give feedback to students on what they learned through the interactive quizzes.(You can see their report if you have a teacher account)
  3. Provide them with a worksheet for them to complete. (student could then send photo or scan)
  4. Discuss the content with the teacher. 

All 4 of these steps can be done remotely allowing a student to progress with their music while in isolation.