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What is this major key signature?
What is this minor key signature?
Which one of the vocal ranges below is Alto?
Which one of the vocal ranges below is Tenor?
What is a melisma?
What is a ‘scoop in’?
What is a ‘fall off’?
What do the notes with the smaller note heads mean?
What does this instruction mean?
What does this instruction mean?
This is the piano range written two different ways. Do they mean the same thing?
What does this notation represent?
What does this notation represent?
What does this notation represent?
Which answer best describes the range of a melody?
Which answer best describes the contour of a melody?
Which answer best describes what a motif is?
What does it mean when the notes of a melody are static?
What is the word used to describe how instruments sound different from one another?
What is the word used to describe non electric pianos?
What is the name of this scale?
What is the name of this scale?
What is the name of this scale?
What is the name of this scale?
Which answer best describes what a compound interval is?
Which interval sizes below are compound intervals?
An interval and its related inversion should add up to which number?
If we inverted a major interval, what quality would it become?
If we inverted a diminished interval, what quality would it become?
If we inverted a perfect interval, what quality would the inverted interval be?
What is the size and quality of this interval?
Simple intervals and their related compound intervals share the same quality. True or false?
What is the order of the chord functions for the progression below? (It is in the key of F major.)
What is the name of this chord?
What is the name of this chord?
What is the name of this chord?
What is the name of this chord?
What is the correct roman numeral expression for this chord progression in the key of G Major?
What is chord VII in the key of B major?
Which one of the arpeggios below is a G dominant 7th?
Which one of the arpeggios below is a B°7?
What four notes are needed in a D minor 6 chord?
What four notes are needed in an A major 6 chord?
This is a demisemiquaver or 32nd note and rest. Which answer best describes its duration?
This is a hemidemisemiquaver or 64th note and rest. Which answer best describes its duration?
Which way is generally better to beam demisemiquavers in simple time?
What does a double dotted note or rest mean, like in the example below?
Which answer best defines semiquaver triplets?
What is the name of this semiquaver group?
What is the name of this semiquaver group?
What is the name of this semiquaver group?
Do these two notations mean the same thing?
What is the correct time signature for this example?
What is the correct time signature for this example?
What is the correct time signature for this example?
Even though the way we produce our voices is quite a complicated system, we can simplify it to 3 main things: Breath, Phonation and Resonance. Which answer best describes Phonation?
According to the diagram below, which number relates to resonance?
According to the diagram below, which number relates to phonation?
What is the name of the indicated piano key?
What kind of melodic note is being indicated by number 1?
What kind of melodic note is being indicated by number 2?
What kind of melodic note is being indicated by number 3?
What kind of melodic note is being indicated by number 4?
Which melodic device has been applied to this motif?
Which melodic device has been applied to this motif?
Which melodic device has been applied to this motif?
Which melodic device has been applied to this motif?
What technique is being used on the first note of the vocal part?
What technique is being used on the last note in bar 1 of the vocal part?
What technique is being used in bar 3 of the vocal part?
Would the vocals sound one octave lower than what is written?
Should the sustain pedal be held down continually in the piano part?
Taking both staves into consideration, which chord is being implied in bar 3 of the piano part?
What is happening in the 4th bar of the piano part?